Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am so excited! A week from tomorrow my mommy and daddy get to find out a surprise that I've been keeping for 18 weeks!
They are going to get to take a picture of me to decipher if I'm a boy or a girl! I can hear them and they just can't wait! Lots of people say they think I'm a boy...but some people think I'm a girl.
What do you think?
Take a guess and record it on my mom's blog on the poll (just look above this post). Mom says whoever guesses right gets a special treat from her! My mom always has good treats!


So the only way you get your treat is if you come see me when I'm born. I'm coming some time in March, mom will keep you updated. Come see me and {I} will give you the yummy treat!!!

So, in short, you need to vote on my mom's poll (Again, just look up and you'll find the poll right under that line of flowers). If you guess I'm a boy and I am, then I get to give you a snack when you come to see me in March. If you guess I'm a girl and I am, then I get to give you a snack when you come to see me in March. Easy? I think so!!! Even if you guess wrong I want to meet you too though.....I can't wait!! See you all in MARCH!!!!!!


  1. Love love love this!! I can't wait to find out what you are having! I think it should be a GIRL!!!

  2. I voted for Almond Joy just because "I feel like a nut", but I would definately be in the mood for a trip to see a sweet little Bronson Monson Johnson in March if that were to happen!!! I can't wait to meet you either baby!

  3. Okay so deep down I think its a boy..... But I thought a lot of people would vote boy so I wanted to be the different one.... but it looks like I could be wrong about that, you have more girl votes..... we'll see... CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT :)

  4. So exciting for you! I think it is a boy! Congrats! Your so cute! Your posts crack me up!
