Thursday, January 6, 2011

We got her good!

We tricked her and we got her good!!!!! Brandon hasn't really felt Kimee Tink move much....maybe twice. {And it was always me saying, "Did you feel that?" and him responding,"Uhhhhh yeah. I think so.....maybe."}

The other night we were laying in bed and Brandon had his arm around me. Kimee was kicking up a STORM!!! He just had the biggest smile on his face and kept saying,"Whoa, that was her again!" or "She just kicked again!" or "I had no idea she moved this much!" He slowly slid his hand across my tummy and........[she stopped moving completely!!!!!] We just sat there in could she just stop? Brandon moved his hand and lightly rested his arm back on my tummy and there she went again!! We finally figured out how to trick Kimee into moving for her daddy.....she just has to think he isn't there! Silly girl!

We had our last ultra sound the other day and it was way fun to see her again! She has the Johnson nose and a big top lip....hopefully that looks cute on a girl when she gets here. The whole 3D part didn't work great because she had both arms up by her face and a hand right in the middle covering everything. We only got one shot of her face. But she has chunked up some and is looking really good! 66% in most everything. It was crazy when my doctor said,"Well the next time you see your baby, it will be in real life, in your arms!" Yay! Yay! Yay!!!!!!!

Last night as we were sitting on the couch I just had to stop and stare!! My belly looked like something was going to explode out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {I was soooo mad at myself later for not saying something to Brandon so he could watch....but I was busy watching myself!!!!} It was seriously the coolest feeling! I think that means she's ready to come out right?! I would be totally fine with that....We are officially 31 weeks now. It's just so much fun!

Sorry all the posts lately are about Kimee Tink....but that's just what's on my mind 24/7. And I think that is all right....I can't wait to be a mommy and hold her in my arms.....and rub pink lotion on her all the time!! Ugh I love babies!!!!!!!

Oh and I found a fantastic way to clean glass showers!!!! Dryer sheet....baking soda...and a little bit of water. Scrub the glass with it, rinse it off, and WA-LAH!!!! A super clean shower! I've also heard that after it's all clean you can run baby oil on it to help keep the hard water marks off and the water will just roll off the glass. I'm trying it today!


  1. It is only because Brandon is so calming! How fun! I'm so happy! It'll be here before you know it! Can't wait!

  2. Aw, we don't mind reading what you have to say about Kimmy Tink! It's very sweet! And I'm so going to try the shower thing. How did you know I was needing a solution to that problem? I was looking at mine just today wondering what to do about it! So excited to try it!
