Monday, May 9, 2011

Goings On

This is Kimee Tink's happy face. Isn't she a doll baby??!
And I think she makes the BEST sad faces! I feel bad but sometimes I like to watch her cry because she is just so super cute!
This is Kimee Tink's blessing dress. It was her Grandma Tink's dress when she was a baby. Grandma Kimmy made the blanket behind her and Aunt Caskie made the bracelet!!
She is the most precious thing in my life. I can't believe how much I love her and how happy she makes me. I have an AMAZING family!
I love dressing her up! I try to make sure that she has a flower in her hair everyday. I'm trying to teach her to dress up and look good whenever possible because her momma likes ponytails and sweatpants way too much!!!!!!!

My baby is the best!! She sleeps through the night and is starting to smile a ton! Mother's Day was such a special time. Brandon and KTJ gave me a computer program to do scrap booking digitally! It will take me a while to figure out how to use it but once I do, it will be great! I got my favorite breakfast in bed, then we headed to Snowflake to listen to Brandon's cousin report his mission. It was a fabulous day!!! I still can't believe that Brandon and I have a baby of our very own! I am so grateful that she is strong and healthy (and growing like a weed!). I love her more than I ever imagined I could. She and her daddy are my very best friends. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!


  1. My mom was just telling me today how adorable little Kimee is!! And I must say from the pictures I agree! How fun to doll her up every day! I am so happy that you get to enjoy being a mom! It is a wonderful thing!

  2. KT is super cute. If I do say so myself. And Brandon is like the best. Allee it must be a family trait cuz I love to watch their little lips curl and purse when they get sad.
