My baby is the best!! She sleeps through the night and is starting to smile a ton! Mother's Day was such a special time. Brandon and KTJ gave me a computer program to do scrap booking digitally! It will take me a while to figure out how to use it but once I do, it will be great! I got my favorite breakfast in bed, then we headed to Snowflake to listen to Brandon's cousin report his mission. It was a fabulous day!!! I still can't believe that Brandon and I have a baby of our very own! I am so grateful that she is strong and healthy (and growing like a weed!). I love her more than I ever imagined I could. She and her daddy are my very best friends. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!
10 years ago
My mom was just telling me today how adorable little Kimee is!! And I must say from the pictures I agree! How fun to doll her up every day! I am so happy that you get to enjoy being a mom! It is a wonderful thing!
ReplyDeleteKT is super cute. If I do say so myself. And Brandon is like the best. Allee it must be a family trait cuz I love to watch their little lips curl and purse when they get sad.