Monday, June 18, 2012

A little bit of this...A little bit of that

Without a doubt, we can find KTJ asleep like this.  She stays awake at nights kicking her legs until she tires of this little sport and finally falls asleep.

That's right, my car is full of NEWSPAPER!!!  For 3 weeks I worked as an Arizona Republic Paper Route Distributor.  This is a Wednesday paper...pretty average for Wednesdays.  There are over 250 papers for a little under a square mile.  Brandon went with me to help one Sunday.  We had to roll the windows down and close the doors to toss papers in because there wasn't enough room.  Brandon ended up crawling in through the window and laying on top of papers while I drove.  I looked back and saw him scheming and I asked what he was doing.  "Well, I'm trying to figure out what I would do if you got pulled over.  I think I can dig down real quick and the police officer wouldn't even know I was here!"  That night we delivered over 620 papers.  YUCK!!!!!!!!  (Thanks Trevor and Kim for letting us leave our sleeping baby with you!) 

Wait, did I say baby?  I meant my very grown up, very mature, very cute 1 year old!  I can't brush my teeth without her begging me to let her have a turn.

B and I were out washing our car and she stood at the gate for 30 minutes just watching this family swim.  Without a doubt, everyday she brings me her floaty or swim suit pleading with me to take her swimming.  SHE LOVES SWIMMING!!!

I thought terrible 2's is when all the shenanigans started????

Is it bad that I desperately wanted my daughter to learn to watch a movie??!!  Some days I need 10 minutes of "get out from under my feet" and I have found the solution!  Apples and Mr. Gru (Despicable Me).

Yes that IS a penny.  Yes that IS a SCORPION!!!!!!  Apparently we have started breeding scorpions at our house.  We now spend the day scouring every square inch of the floors, walls, appliances, beds, and blankets.

The past week has been a long one.  KTJ has had fevers and a nasty nose.  Needless to say mommy is paying this week for the extra spoils she got.

So I am tired of this bad habit called "Going Stinky in the Tub" and so I sat KTJ on the toilet after having to clean ANOTHER episode up.  She sat there for close to 15 minutes!!!  I was rewarded with a tiny stinky in the toilet and she was rewarded with dances and fruit snacks.  She now likes to sit on the toilet for a few seconds, get down, flush, wave good-bye and blow a few kisses, then close the lid.  Hopefully this is a good sign for potty training in a few months!!!!

My KTJ is my pride and joy....that is until this week.  Someone at church asked me "How do you make her be so good?"  I answered "Well today it would be the 5 packs of fruit snacks I gave her during Relief Society!"  I have learned that my daughter has an ATTITUDE larger than life.  She knows just when to give you the dirty looks and when it is the right time to throw a temper tantrum.  She can be sweet as Blue Bell Ice Cream and then as rotten as Amish Bread.  Oh what to do?!?  We'll just keep smothering her with smiles and kisses and hope that it rubs off on her.  



  1. Oh the shenanegins! Too cute! I hope maybe she will get it all out and over with before she's two and you can have smooth sailing all the way from there right?! That would be great! I love this little girl! Can't wait to see you SOON!!!

  2. She is soo cute! The mess just comes with learning unfortunately it seems that they each have to learn but making the same mistakes!:( She is quite normal and waaaay too cute.

  3. Awwwwwwwwe she is so cute! I love that she is giving you "fits" but hopefully you can help her be a "good" girl. I think she is already! Can't wait to see her! and you guys! Love you!!!!!!!!! Love to see the pictures!
